One of our club members, Mark Drela (an Aero/Astro professor at MIT by
day), has been working away on how to get to the next level of HLG and
2m sailplane performance.  After lots of thinking, building of
prototypes, endless explanation to those of us who don't have an
aero/astro degree, and letting any and all takers try out his
prototypes at our sailplane field, the Apogee HLG and Allegro 2m were
born. Part of Mark's background is in indoor HLG, where he has set
records and "changed the game" in more ways than one.

The Apogee HLG is a smaller than normal HLG with airfoils that Mark
designed specifically for the HLG environment.  Most other designs on
the market are using "recooked" airfoils that were really designed for
other environments, or airfoils that are heavily optimized for either
launch or cruise - and pay a heavy penalty in the other direction.
Mark's new airfoils were custom designed to not trade cruise
performance while allowing extremely low drag for "ballistic hand
launch" modes.

Flying the Apogee is a quite different experience. It is so light, and
has so little drag, that "throwing the plane" isn't quite the right
term.  It feels like mostly, you're throwing your arm.  The Apogee
launches very high, with very little effort, and is incredibly
maneuverable even low to the ground.

The Allegro was designed to break the mold (as it were) on 2 meter
designs.  The Allegro wing is designed to be very light, and still be
"winch-proof", and so far no one's been able to disprove the claim.
(Stress-to-failure test results on the spar system are on line on the
Allegro 2m page). Mark also designed a new series of airfoils for the
Allegro.  The Allegro covers ground like one of the open class ships,
but is so light that it can circle like an oversized hand launch.
Watching Mark launch the Allegro is "kinda amusing"... Pedal to the
metal all the way up, and then a ballistic vertical zoom off the top
that seems to go up forever.

So, you're thinking, "ok, Joel's lost it, he's now pitching commercial

Wrongo!  Here's the incredible part...  Like the Terminator,
web-published last year, both the Apogee HLG and the Allegro 2m are
on-line at our web site, with plans, construction notes, airfoil
coordinate files and even airfoil polars and other supporting
technical documentation.

Come on down and take a look, please let us know what you think, and
best of luck with your own Apogee HLG or Allegro 2m!

Best regards,

Joel Foner
Webmaster - Charles River Radio Controllers
IRCHA #1458

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