>From a practial point of view, if you have a molded model that only does
45 degrees, you probably won't get 90 degrees out of it.  Shoot for 75
degrees.  That is far enough for things to start to be effective.
You want to get over 70.

If you want to save the nice wipers, the best way is to slice off 1/4 to 3/8
with a razor saw.  Cut slowly and carefully since you want to save the part you
are cutting off.  Once you have the nice cut off pieces, lightly sand the
edges along the cut to smooth things.  Now glue this piece back on with
from RTV Silicone to make a "live" hinge for the wiper.  Most of the time
the wiper stays in place.  When you pull past 45 degrees, it will bend, 
giving you additional flap travel.  

This is what folks used to do on top hinged Esprits, it's also been done on
Tragi's.  No reason you can't do it on a top hinged Hera.
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