In a message dated 00-07-19 02:40:13 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> If we get 90 ft, and it is 1.25 ft/sec sink then 72
>  seconds is reasonable.

The basic problem here is that 90 ft comes with high wind,
the wind comes with lots of vertical and horizontal air movement,
in 72 seconds you have drifted WAAY out of the field boundary,
to get back sooner requires flight at considerably higher speeds
than minimum sink.  This is why sink rate measurements
must be taken in relatively calm air.
ALSO: good minimum sink performance is only useful and relevant
in calm air.  A very small portion of actual contest flying is done
at min sink speeds, due to real world air movement.  Designing
primarily for min sink will not result in a competitive RCHLG.

Mark Navarre

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