"Jim! Its really disheartening to hear that people feel that way. I have
appreciated your web page and your inputs here on the exchange. Some people 
make an attempt to give something back to the hobby, others are content to 
leech or complain. . . " Michael, Melbourne, Australia 

Jim! From the time you discovered RCSE you have been a REAL giver here and
when we met I found out that IS Jim; and the contests we flew in together
were that much more fun because of the Jim you are :-) !! I had no idea
about the negative responses until after my post; I was responding because
I was excited I could go into your page and not worry about line time--and
catch the NATs!! With cable I had no waiting after the page came up--simply
scrolled through :-) ! Couldn't believe all the time you spent scanning and
adding to your page! Michael here has said it as well as any. I am always
TRYing to give back--it kinda makes the hobby expensive sometimes and does
not always come with the hoped for or expected results :-( !! RC
SOARING--RCHLG, RCSD, RCSE, S&EM, QFI have given me so much :-) over the
last several years, I can't imagine--yes I can--what it would have been
without it!!!!!

YOU are ONE of those MANY *special* friends I would never have made around
the world and especially across the United States otherwise--I display my
SOAR patch proudly in my hangar :-) !! Next time we will do more than drop
by your hangar, we WILL make time to FLY from YOUR territory :-) !! 

Paul Clark, SKY PILOT ONE, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)
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