I charge my 1500 or 1600maH AA 8 cell Nimhs on my G325 all the time at
3A - even 3.5A. The trickle seems to be ok too, altho unnecessary.
It's nice also to not have to worry abt memory effects. Just stick them
on the charger anytime.
  Of course, what ur talking abt is charging on the 4 cell portion of
the charger. I have not tried that, but my understanding is that it
starts at 500ma, then tapers down to 250 ma as the cells get charged.
There is a slight V difference between Nicds and Minhs, but I don't
think it wud have much effect. So it'll take several hours from empty to
full charge. However,the 600mah Nicd packs seem to charge in 1/2 hr or
less, so this indicates to me its charging at a lot higher rate than
500ma. The green blinking led tends to blink faster and for a shorter
time when its charged - it shud do the same for the Nimhs, but by how
much - u'll just have to try it. Just check periodically to see if
they're getting warm.
  Gud idea, Dave. Think I'll make some up myself...
Tom Rust
Nanochip Inc
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