No really great speed times or distance flights.  Due to field
limitations, many of the speed and distance rounds were flown with
different wind directions than normal.  I think that 5 of the 6 speed
rounds were flown with the wind going the opposite direction  of what
would normally be set up.  Wurts had the best speed run, around 16

I don't recall any really good distance flights.  The course seemed to
diverge out a little farther away from the sights in both directions and
some of the best air was out away from the course.  Landing out was a
real risk since the dirt out on the course was pretty rough.  I have one
damaged wing tip landing upwind on a distance flight in this stuff.  I
guess for California, it was a really good field, but compaired to the
sod farms I normally fly on, it was really bad.  They were mowing dirt
to clear some of the junk in the winch line areas before the contest. 
We still had quite a bit of line rash on the groundlines and everyone
chewed up quite a bit of line.

Wind conditions were really variable through the day due to the wind
coming up the valley from the bay in the afternoons.  One Sunday
afternoon was really blowing. We had a fair amount of crosswind launches
and one distance round that was slightly downwind almost the whole

For models, Wurts - Cobra, but he did fly his new model which has two
working names for the last round since he had no throw outs.  Botha -
Y2K which has molds made from the same plug as the Millenium, but
construction of the model is different.  He was flying a 3-piece wing
version.  Perkins - that ugly Cobra Stu sent him. Green with yellow
spots.  It died an ugly death plus a resurrection in round 5.  Jason
Werner has pictures of that.   For us east coast guys who gave
california a good run for the money, Kiesling was flying a Tragi 702 and
I was flying a Tragi 701.  I think Jennings was 6th flying a Diamond. 
For radios, my recollection is MPX, Stylus, MPX, JR8103, JR10X, Stylus

A few cobras died on launch.  These guys can't coordinate things.  They
all killed the left wing panel, so now we have a lot of right wing cobra
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