Good landing slopes near LAX?  I haven't a clue!  California Sloping is very
tough on planes.  Lot's of rocks and amazingly stiff and sturdy bushes.

The very best spot is Torrey Pines in San Diego.  Big grass field with
gentle lift.  Never mind the 500 foot cliff over water that you launch from
:-)  San Diego is 2 hours south of LAX.

Yorba Linda's Glider Point has an "okay" slope with a good landing zone.
The hill can be cyclic, and it's a half mile walk up a steep trail, so five
nice ships might tax you physically.

There's a place in LA called Snake Hill.  Not sure where it is or what kind
of landing it has.  The International Slope Directory claims the landing
zone is "A Piece of Cake"

Temple Hill is a great place to fly, in Pomona, south and east of LAX by
about 40 miles.  Temple is my "home slope"  Great lift, loonnnggg hike (half
mile).  Wide open landing area, but lots of big hidden wing biting rocks.
Most people hand-catch their crunchy planes there, or else land them at
their feet.  Temple is primarily known for the largest combat event on the
planet (SmAC!).

My advice would be to go to a thermal field and high start the planes and
get trimmed out that way.  CalState Dominguez Hills isn't far from LAX and
is a really big field, friendly to gliders.  I don't fly thermal though, so
I can't be much help.

On Saturday, I will be flying with Doug Reel.  This will be up near Malibu,
called Pacific Palisades.  There is a dedicated landing zone, but's very
small and tight.  Flaps are real blessing there.

I will be at Torrey on Friday around noon if you want some company.  Let me
know.  I'll see you for sure on Sunday at the F3F race.

Torrey Pines:
Temple Hill:
Slope directory:
Pacific Palisades: (Click on "Images
from Our Home Slope")


Nathan  Woods

Temple Hill Slope Squadron
Orange, California


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