I turned on my tv to see Karlton handing over a Car TX to some chick, 
explaining the functions, (A subtitle pointing at Karlton says "I sold my 
house to get my toys") He starts a gas powered car and tells her not to hit 
the curb.  She revs it up, and smashes into the building wrecking the front 
end of the car!  It lasted about 3 seconds.

In the mean time Karlton is seen hunched over the wreck and a subtitle 
pointing at him says "I should have finished Dental School".

The program is called Blind Date where a couple meets and goes on a blind 
date.  The guy on the date apparently thought it would be a good idea to take 
the girl to MPX's place to play with an RC Car.  That part of the date didn't 
last too long and chances are the guy didn't get any score points for his 
idea...and Karlton got a wrecked car out of it.

There was a great shot of the Pico Jet on the wall, a really fun electric 

Course this whole post is off topic cuz there wasn't any soaring, not 
sailplane or any other kind :-)  Maybe Karlton should have had them sit thru 
a programming class on the new 4000 TX, I'll bet that would have gotten her 
'in the mood'.
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