A few more details on the F3B fund raiser planned for Saturday night after day
one of the Southwest Classic. (Feb 3-4)

The night fly Speed 400 pylon races will start between 6:30 -7:00PM Saturday
evening after the dinner. The type of plane which will be accepted for this
event is basically, any foam, bouncable, non-threatening, single motor, speed
400, 8 cell max battery powered plane. Merrill or myself will be the final
authority on what is allowable. The event is to be very similar to the Visalia
Zagi 400 races. The purpose of this event is to raise money for the F3B team and
have some fun and relax. We already have a few prizes lined up for the top
finishers. Tim Cone has agreed to light the pylon turns with his Night-Ops
system. Sign ups will take place on Friday and Saturday at MM Glider Tech booth.
NO advance sign ups will be taken. Merrill plans to have a shake down qualifier
on Friday night to test the course layout and pylon lighting. I will be selling
lots of little cyalume sticks of various sizes and colors to anyone who needs
extra navigation lighting on their racer. Proceeds from the cyalume sales will
be donated to the cause as well. 

Email Merrill with your pylon race questions at: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

More info on the 13th Annual Southwest Classic:

Entry form:   http://www.public.asu.edu/~vansanfo/casl/

Contact the SWC 2001 CD: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Map and aerial photo of site: http://www.users.uswest.net/~slickraft/SWCmap2.htm

Hotel/ motel reservations: http://www.users.uswest.net/~slickraft/SWCmotel.htm

Dave Wenzlick
Mesa AZ
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