
Thought that one might gain a query or two. It is something that I love
watching, but do not have the guts to try myself!


You launch to about 45 degrees in a reasonable wind and build up tension,
then you turn (with rudder) and dive at the ground building up more tension
before turning again (with rudder) to tuck the model under and climb again.
The action is like a stunt kite doing a loop.

The process can be repeated over and over, building up tension without
winding the line in on the winch at all.

I expect this is as clear as mud. Any other "experts" like to try?

Paul Ferguson
Adelaide, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: William E. Johns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Zoom Launches - Was: RE: 3-Position Switch

Paul Ferguson wrote:

> I learnt a lot watching Nic Wright when he toured Australia a few years
> He would build up enormous tension on the line (either by a conventional
> launch or by circle tow) 

What's a circle tow?

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