This can be found on the AMA site under "Competitions/Technical Department",
"Rules Proposals", "RC Sailplane Proposals" and has been voted on and passed
for the year 2002.  I did not see anyone post this but there were some
references to it.  I think it answers the spoiler/brakes question clearly.

Refer to paragraph 'C'.

"SO-02-1, define a new class.

RES Class Sailplanes

a. Control of the aircraft will be limited to three functions: rudder,
elevator, and spoilers.

b. Except in the case of tailless aircraft that have a portion of the
trailing edge of the wing serve as the elevator, the trailing edge of the
wing must remain fixed at all times. In the excepted case, where split
elevators are used, they may be driven by separate servos but both left and
right halves must at all times move in unison and deflect by the same amount
and in the same direction.

c. Spoilers and/or air brakes must extend only above the top surface of the
wing when deployed. The trailing edge of the spoiler/airbrake must be at
least two inches ahead of the trailing edge of the wing. Two or more
spoiler/airbrakes may be used, but they must all act in unison and extend
above the surface of the wing by the same amount when deployed.

d. The use of landing arrestor devices is prohibited. A skid with a smooth
surface may be used to protect the bottom of the aircraft from scratches and

Submitted by Robert Johnson AMA 74650"


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