Hey all,

I got out today since we had 15-20 from the east so that works here pretty
well. There was some lake effect snow but it has been so long, I didn't let
that stop me. What's a little blizzard to a grounded slope flyer? 20 degrees
and blowing snow.

I flew the Mini Acacia I got from Tom at f3x.com for the first time. Quite a
rude thing to do to a plane, throwing it out in a blizzard, but it rocked! I
will definately need to make some ballast though, there was tons of lift and
I would love to hear it scream. Still, I got to do some close in passes
about 20 feet in front of me and tearing through a 90 degree bank turn, it
does sing!

The site overlooks Lake Michigan, sorta like a frozen Sunset Beach. 2
launches, about 30 minutes of flying and 2 nice landings. Those snow banks
are good for something!

Can't wait for my Prodij which should be here soon.

Maybe Mt Baldy, Indiana Saturday.

Midwest Sloping

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