All new discus designs seem to experience a few failures when thrown
hard. Most of us have learned to add a shear web and spar caps to
keep them together. I have never experienced flutter on any of mine
but will occasionaly fold one of my older wings. I think that the
UV gets to the epoxy after a year or so of use. Probably not a problem
unless you fly most every day. A well designed 1.5 M wing should take
the stress and still weigh 4.2 oz or less. When a failure happens it
is normally due to the G load of the transition to the 80 degree climb
angle and will fail in center 10 inches or so. Breakage in the
outer half of the throwing wing is due to operator error. You have
to learn that you can't push the plane around by the tip.

Like the old style, javalin hlgs, if it never breaks then it is overbuilt
or under launched.
Dick Barker
Seattle, WA
- The Old Fart Glider Flyer -

>I heard someplace local that the sidearm HLGs are experiencing structural
>problems at 60" spans while at lower spans like 50" this is being reduced.
>Something like the wing is not holidng up.
>Does anyone have any observations on this situation and potentiallhow the
>resioultion people are seeing?

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