Agreed.  Sorry.  Guess I switched back to thinking about what happens if and
when the "full size" 1.5m class goes predominantly to tip launch - and at
what point it makes javelin launch go "out of style".

> My gut feeling says that for a jock with good running-throw technique,
> JL will be slightly more effective with a 0.75m span.
> But the TL option is still there as a great near-equalizer
> for fliers who cannot or don't want to JL.

That's an interesting observation.

Would you suspect that the launch differential between a more athletic and
less athletic person would be any different with the 1.5m class, or would TL
perhaps even things out a bit even there?  It seems that very different
muscle groups are involved, and having lots of running speed/strength would
make very little difference for TL - so maybe having a less athletic person
with TL vs a highly athletic person with their choice of launch might be a
closer match?

Just curious,


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