Ah, yes. The illustrious Foameron. I loved that plane. It was my "Zen" plane
(as mentioned in a John Roe post a few years ago). I didn't really need a
transmitter to fly it. My thoughts were sufficient. Damn, I loved that plane.

I built three of them in various configurations. Joe Galletti at Torque and
Recoil was a great help by supplying me with whatever part alteration I may
have needed.

I spec'd version three (Floateron) in nothing but thermal lift. I battled
verified 50MPH winds with version 2 (stock configuration) and only 4 ounces of
ballast (wished for more!). I even wrote an article about that day.

Another pilot's Foameron actually sheared off the nose of my DAW P51.
Amazingly, it didn't even dent the Foameron.

With just two planes I was prepared for nearly any wind condition that I was
likely to see. Parts were ridiculously cheap and the plane would break down
small enough to fit in the box is came in. I loved my Foamerons.

Bill Swingle
Janesville, CA

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