Just before I went on a trip I asked on this exchange how best to transport
a Boomerang on the airlines. I got several good suggestions. Thanks to all
that responded. However, things did not go as planned. I got charged $75 by
Delta on departure for having an oversize box.

Some suggestions I got were to wrap it in bubble wrap and take it on board.
While this has worked for some people, the new size limits that were posted
all over the place here clearly stated the nothing as long as a Boomerang
wingspan would be allowed on board. If I was flying first class, I would be
allowed to hang it up front. Otherwise, it might end up in the baggage
compartment. I don't think bubble wrap would have prevented damage if a lot
of suitcases were piled on top of it.

I ended up taking the plane in the box I've always used. I think the main
reason I got charged $75 is because the woman behind the counter was
training another woman and she wanted to show how it was done. I have never
been charged extra before for this box and Aloha did not charge me extra on
two later flights.

I also tried to find a bow case as was suggested. I think this would have
worked great except that nobody had them in stock here because it wasn't
hunting season. Also, if you got the b---h I got you might still get charged

Part of the problem I think is that the airlines are continuing to make
travel harder and harder so that they can squeeze out as much money as
possible. You can expect to not be able to do things you could do in the
past. Also, I would suggest trying to avoid young or in training check-in
people. None of the Aloha airlines people even blinked when I handed them
the box. Some people were even arriving with surf boards!

On a positive note, I got to fly the plane lots and lots of hours and on
some slopes that I can guarantee that I was the first person to fly on.


Randy Bullard

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