I would like to hear the comments on this as well.
I've got an Xterm parked on the runway waiting for the wind to calm down but
I noticed the same thing with my LB2.

I initially had the LB2 balanced right dead on and it did the roller coaster
too.  At first I added weight and it go it under control but I did not like
the increase in weight.  I removed the weight and trimmed in a little down
and after doing this several times, I got a happy medium.  I have a little
extra weight and a little down trim and I like the way it handles.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Boyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: [RCSE] porpoising solutions???

> I took my new Xterminator out for a test flight yesterday evening (I found
> field with well packed snow that I could walk on)...  First off I have to
> say that it floats like a dandelion (and this was in VERY still air which
> was giving me air times of ~12 seconds with my 11.5oz Zagi THL)...  The
> first throw, it glided out nicely but started trying to porpoise... I
> brought it back to me and checked the CG... It was in the dead center of
> recommended CG.  I added pushed the battery pack to the very front of the
> nose (moving the CG forward about 1/8") and gave it another toss... it
> porpoised so I brought it back and added a couple of coins to the nose
> (bringing the CG about 1/4" ahead of the recommended CG)... gave it
> toss and it flew fine (although wasn't as responsive as before.
> I added the weight to the front to correct the porpoising, because in the
> past when my planes have done this, everyone at the field said to just add
> nose weight.  I always end up with my CG's in front of the recommended
> because of the porpoising, but then I read about people flying with cg's
> behind the recommend placement.  This has made me wonder if moving the CG
> forward is truly the correct correction for the porpoising.  Is there
> another correction for this porpoising tendency other than CG movement?
> Thanks, Daniel
> BTW: I only got to toss the Xterminator about 5 times b/c on the 5th time
> decided to give the launch preset a try, so I switched to the model memory
> that I thought I had programmed with the latest launch preset setup...
> it a toss, saw the plane starting to loop backwards so I switch the preset
> switch back in the opposite direction to which it responded by doing a
> dive (despite giving it full up elevator... I could see that the elevator
> was still showing down, so this was not a stall...) it hit the ground and
> cracked the fuse in numerous places (I have since fixed it w/ about and
> of work)... I assessed the damage and determined that it wasn't anything
> major, then I tried to figure out what happened... I checked my mixing and
> quickly realized that I had chosen the wrong model memory and that the
> switch had been having no effect, but instead my throttle stick was in
> control (I was apparently hitting the throttle stick in my paniced state
> causing the down elevator input).  ie: ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK YOUR MODEL
> SELECTION!!! ;-)  I'm going to try to give it another try this weekend if
> the snow holds off.
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