Rick Eckel wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> So, I'm to understand from your post that if we all gave up the
> 'high-dollar' fiberglass, foam, moulded sailplanes and the computer radios
> that there would be thousands of new guys suddenly enter the hobby?
> Everyone is entitled to an opinion... :-)

As I see it, expense is not what is keeping people out of the hobby.
Go to any magazine stand and see how many RC soaring magazines are on
the shelf. Now look to see how many Motorcycle offroad racing magazines
are there.
To get started in motorcycle racing takes at least $10,000 to start and
costs $$$ every week, gas, oil, tires, pistons, rings, other parts, entry
fees etc. So very expensive but there are LOTS of people racing motorcycles.
Excitement and exposure.
People know that motorcycle racing exists. They can see it on TV nearly any
People perceive racing as exciting both to participate and to watch.
How many people find soaring exciting to watch? I mean besides those
participating. :-)(

Michael Neverdosky N6CHV  AMA 77292
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