Is this another way you are trying to avoid my
questions? You rubbed Paul threw the coals, now you
are on the chopping block and you are sending out what
seems to be an a apology. What’s up with you?
--- Rick Brown and Jill Wiest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul, et al,
>  I don't think that anyone posting to a list should
> post things not
> intended for general comsumption. And eveyone, when
> posting, should
> really try to keep it on a positive note.
> Paul Klissner wrote:
> > 
> > Rick Brown and Jill Wiest wrote:
> > >
> > > Oh, so sorry Paul. Didn't realize that with all
> the talk about freedom
> > > of speech that you were keeping your comments
> private.
> > 
> > You know damned well if it was meant for RCSE it
> would
> > not have been sent to you alone.   Oh well.  Its
> your credibility,
> > not mine.  If you want to be the Linda Tripp of
> RCSE, be my guest.
> > 
> > I'd rather be known as someone who complained a
> bit much,
> > than as a hypocrit who could not be trusted.
> > 
> > I won't stop you from forwarding this, or would it
> not serve
> > your ulterior motives?  I mean why would  I intend
> this to be
> > anymore private than the last?   Anyway, anyone
> who was paying
> > any attention knows your true colors now anyway.
> > 
> > I know people who complain, but are honest.  I may
> not like everything
> > about their style, but underneath it all, I know
> they believe in what
> > they are saying, and may even be conveying
> something of value.
> > But more importantly, I can respect their
> character.
> > 
> > With you, I can appreciatea few of your fine
> words.
> > But beneath it all, I can see that you're a
> weasel,
> > a liar and a traitor.    Now if someone were to
> put values on
> > all of these things, what I have done, and you,
> I'm afraid
> > you'd go down in the losers hall of fame.
> > 
> > Personally, I wouldn't forward this, but if you
> must....
> > I guess I can't stop you.
> > 
> > -Paul
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