This question was really for posting to the list since I am not the one
wanting answers and opinions to this question.

Anyone else caring to reply, please do so to the list.

I think Craig has a valid point.


It's really to early to tell. I've busted a couple recently but am throwing pretty hard and the designs are still being perfected. Unfortunately with stuff this new some customers are going to be part of the research team and may break the odd airplane before the gliders are optimised.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 9:01 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Good, Bad DGLs


 Since some interested parties out there don't like the answers I am
giving, can some with a good base of DLG experience chime in.

 I am not interested in DLG's at this time but I guess the question from
those who intend to purchase is...

 Are there any DLG designs to be avoided or that are know to be sub-par?
Any with know structural defects or problems?


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