Oh Geez, Gordy is gonna get me for this.  But it is sort of
sailplane related, in that it involves fiberglass and wind.

        Wife bought a Sunfish sailboat.  I need to install a drain plug.
Gotta make a 7/8" hole in the fiberglass transom.  If I use a spade bit will
this mess up the FG?  Anybody out there performed this surgery before?

        OK, just to keep Gordy happy:  I flew the heck out of my $30 swap
shop Bob Martin Talon last weekend, and really enjoyed it.  We had a light
wind day, but at one time we had in the air:  a HLG Chrysalis, the Talon and
Don Harris' new JW.  Don even managed to thermal the JW.

        So there: in case you wondered, a properly trimmed JW will fly just
fine in light air, even in Ohio.

    Tom Nagel  new email addr    /O\    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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