I almost hate to do this again but I still need some feedback.  I have
posted similar message twice before asking for opinions and experiences with
a selected list of DLG's and although several firestorms broke out
afterwards, direct feedback on the original question has essentially been
slim to none.  It leads me to wonder if, given how relatively new this area
is, is it possible there just isn't much experience to talk about?

Anyway, who has flown any of the following planes and what is your opinion
on them?  Does anyone have any other suggestions for DLG's?

Sidewinder from Polecat, Raptor DLG from Raptor, Texas Twister from Blue
Dartar,  Focus (DLG) from NSP.

Does the DLG version of the Focus have a modified tail now extending below
the boom or it is still the same as the older version?  The same question
would apply to the Logic and Pyskologic  DLG versions also from NSP.

Mapleleaf's Encore may be super but at $450...  Given the Sidewinder and
Twister are both under $300, going over requires justification (IMHO).


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