Nifty website. It amazes me how realistic the special effects have become
over the past few years, much better than the "model-on-a-string" effect of
years ago.
I'm curious... how were the Harrier scenes done in _True Lies_? I assume
that they really didn't have Ahrnohld flying a plane in downtown Miami.
>Subject: Re: [RCSE] Celebs in RC Soaring
>Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 10:37:45 EDT
>Thanks for the kind words, but my work can hardly qualify me as a
>My team and I are just a few of the thousand or so individuals who bring a
>movie to the big screen. We did win an Emmy for Visual effects on Miracle
>Landing for the 1/10 737. Recently my team did the 1/4 scale Hueys for
>Charlie's Angels, a nice explosion all done in the camera no CG
>The 1/4 scale aft fuselage and tail section MD11 for Castaway, Bell 212s
>Segals Exit Wounds, 1/6 th B25 for the Doolittle crash for Pearl Harbor,
>scale MDX 900 for Travoltas Operation Sworfdish, and WE have just finished
>Biplanes for Stuart Little 2 in various sizes and versions. I have worked
>everyday since JAN 3 except Easter and Mother's day. I am now ready to
>training for the F3J finals and am desperately looking forward to some
>and full-size glider flying. By the way I am lucky to have several people
>you guys fly with helping me. LJMP crew who also fly RCsaiplanes are Steve
>Addis, Dennis Brandt, Bob Pope, Dan Fink, and many others. You can check
>some past work at .Thanks Larry
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