Good Afternoon
I think cost in any sport is way up there if you want to be
competitive... Look at where F1 cars are at now..!!
Everything is expensive these days... I cant race cars because of that
expense... Is that fair to me?? I want to race!! Doesn't matter! It is
just the way life seems to be.. More money.!!
I see where some pilots are banging the fact that it doesn't cost that
much in material to produce a hand launch bagged wing.. Well your
right!! But if it was that easy, They would all be making them..
To be honest with you, I wouldn't want to make them. I think there would
be lots of nasty chemicals and fumes that I personally wouldn't want to
breath.. I am sure there is a way to protect yourself from this. But on
the same hand , I don't know how you could get totally away from it... I
thank the people who are always trying to improve the ships we use..
There needs to be a thanks to the guy who first threw the dlg... It has
changed the sport as we know it. I also see the frustration in trying to
compete with them... I did get a Raptor. But haven't been able to throw
it yet... So I will be on the learning curve as well.
I will agree that there seems to be a new ship of some sort coming out
all the time.. Weather it be a F3J , F3B, Open.. Hand launch.. And the
chase gets old. I get use to a nice ship, and then everyone is hyping a
new one... Oh! you got to have this one!!!!  This is the ticket!!  So I
put the brakes on, Or we could be buying models every 6 months,,,
I also try to keep the fun factor in competing... Don't need high blood
pressure!!! hahahahhahahahaha
Have fun!

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