Hey all!

One beautiful Saturday I drove up the the Nation Center for Atmospheric
Research here in Boulder CO.  At the top of this plateau just at the
base of the mountains, I found half a dozen or so guys all flying
various planes.  After just a few minutes I noticed the distinct lack of
noise other than the wooshing sound as they flew by.  I was hooked

Now I'm building my first sailplane (House of Balsa 2x4) not more than
three weeks later.  I originally thought a HLG would be easy to start
off with as they were slower, didn't reqire anything to get it airborne,
and when I crash I imagine it won't be more than a few feet off the
ground (for a while anyway).  Iv'e come to the conclusion now that a
larger plane would be easier to start with (I'll get one of those too
<G>).  The kit calls for standard sized servos, and final weight should
be around 28oz +/- a couple oz.  Would it be better to go with micro
servos for this sized plane?

So, now for the radio.  I have a fairly limited budget.  I have pretty
much narrowed it down to a Hitec Flash 5 (std servos), or a slightly
used Multiplex Cockpit MM (TX only).  I was looking for an entry level
computer radio that could grow with me until I get to the point of not
putting the radio down, then I'll move up.  How do these radios compare
to each other?  Is there something in a similar price range (150-175ish)
I should also consider?


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