Though not a local, I've been to POM a couple times.  Yes it's everything everyone has said it is.  Drive to the top, walk a few steps and fly all day.  If the winds are from the north, just use the opposite side of the hill.  It's quite excellent!  Check with Tom Hoopes, address above for additional local info.  gv


Our family is going to Utah to visit relatives this week.

After watching Paul Naton's great video about Soar Utah 2000, we would like
to fly at the Point of the Mountain near Salt Lake City.

Any local pilots have any advice for visitors?  Is it open for flying
year-round?  Are the winds predictable and of the right direction this time
of year?  Any local hints?

Thanks for your help, perhaps we'll see you up there this week!

Bruce, Lynette, Erik, and Kevin

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