Bill Johns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Plane Recommendations

>>I fly in Missoula, MT.  The closest club I can find is about 3.5 - 4 hours
>>away.  I fly fairly often (during the warm months), and frequently have
>>people stop to watch.  This winter I plan on building a plane that I can
>>to give the interested watchers a little stick time.  With luck I can get
>>enough people to start a club.

>Get a foamy, consider a Highlander or one of the other of that type.  It
>will build fast (sorry) but will take numerous crashes and still fly
>well.  Use your extra time to build something for yourself that will wet
>appetites to move up to.

>I think a foamy will be the best simply because if someone crashes a
>built-up plane, it will turn to trash and destroy any self-confidence they
>have and will chase them away form the sport rather than lure them
>in.  Having a forgiving plane that will allow them to make mistakes and
>laugh about it later is a Good Thing.  Built-up planes are pretty and fly
>well, but they are fragile.

I would recommend a powered foamie, say a Zagi 400 or the Twinstar.

This way you can launch quickly and they still can get the feel of things!
Glide ratio ain't great, but simpler than a glider in this context, unless
you have a very good slope at hand!

Tord S Eriksson

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