Howdy! (The I'm from Texas greeting!)

Last Saturday I flew for two hours and caught lots of
light lift thermals that didn't get much height, but
helped me stay in the air longer. My watch's battery
died a few weeks ago and I've been too busy/lazy/cheap
to go get a new one with the result that I really
don't know how long I have been flying. I wanna get
one of those talking count-down timers since I am
often out there alone and I want to learn to practice
fixed length flights like y'all fly in competitions.
(Gotta get them landings down too!)

Anyway, I did have one really good/high/long flight
thanks to my first buzzard lift. I tossed the ol'
skeeter on my short highstart and just as I came off I
saw a buzzard circling about 40-50 yards to the left
and half-again as high as I had launched. I had yet to
encounter a buzzard in my flying field when I had a
plane up, so I scooted skeeter under the buzzard and
sure enough there was lift! We both climbed with
him/her flying about 100' above the skeeter.
Eventually the buzzard vectored off somewhere else,
but I kept with the thermal which got bigger and
stronger and I just kept flying higher and further
downwind. Fortunately it was a mild 5-10MPH breeze so
I didn't feel too uncomfortable going downwind. I
wouldn't say I specked out, but it was small enough
that I was having trouble seeing how she was flying.
Another personal best height! 

I looked over to see if anyone was at the glow field,
but it was empty. I wanted someone to see that
itty-bitty way-up-there plane and say wow! However, it
was just me enjoying the flight. 

I was so high that when I finally came back over the
field I still had two or three times my highstart
height on the skeeter, but I just couldn't find
another thermal. That is one thing that I haven't
succeded in doing that I would like to do - catch at
least two successive big thermals on the same flight.
I wonder if a big boomer thermal sucks the energy away
so that it is hard to get a second thermal from the
same area? (No parking lots, just hay fields and some

I can't wait until I can build or buy a bigger plane!

John Gossett
Austin, Texas

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