I've been having problems with my Sidewinder doing an almost barrel-roll
when I launch it really hard, even with a gyro.  I had my friend watch me
launched and he noticed that whenever it did this roll, it was when I was
releasing the plane with my arm rising up.  When I try to consciously keep
my arm flat, or low, at the end of the launch, this doesn't happen.

At 08:14 PM 9/4/01 -0400, Dave Seay wrote:
>I'm still not getting anywhere discus launching my Xterm Pro.  I even went
>out an bought a Cirrus Gyro for it but the resulting launch is very little
>different than the one w/o a gyro using preset rudder.  I have a peg in the
>left wing tip but am currently not using it.   I have tried launching with
>the hand in various locations at the time, some close or actually in front
>of the LE, others further behind.  The plane wants to do part of a slow left
>barrel roll wasting most of the energy put into the launch.  I even added a
>little down preset and although it as a little more stable, the launch was
>flatter.  I'm getting little more in height than I do on a javelin launch
>while my little Goblin, thrown in a similar manner, launches 80 to 100'
>I'm wondering if I have enough rudder travel?  I could change the EPA on the
>rudder servo to 125%  or more  and use the preset at 100% so the gyro can
>move the rudder the 125% during the launch. After releasing the preset,
>rudder travel would be set at about 66% to give me the original travel
>before these adjustments.
>Any suggestions
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OnTheWay Quake 2 server utility:   http://www.planetquake.com/ontheway
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