This was my 3rd team selection (2 F3J, 1 F3B) and I really like the high
level of competition you have at team selections. The normal TD contest like
the FSF, are more social events and much less challenging as a whole. Don't
get me wrong you don't see my name at the top of the leader board at most
contests but I like good high level competition and I found it at the team
selections every time.

Thoughts for next time:

Team Protection: In the future I would like to see 4-man team protection as
the norm. F3J is labor intensive and we all say we want more participation
in F3J contests. 4 men are the max allowed on the field, 1 pilot & 3
helpers. If everyone on the team is also a pilot then you don't need to
"Hire" a tow man. Of course in the fly off all protection is out.

Carrying scores: For us bottom feeders carrying scores wont help us make the
team at all but it does allow the better pilots to win a competition not a
crap shoot.

2-man tow w/stake: It has worked every time for me and it equals the tow
power available. With a 2-man stake tow and a little wind the launch power
is very equal for all the teams.
I am sure there are 40+ other stories about the F3J team selection, for me I
would like to thank my teammates for caring my weight thought the
competition (I couldn't tow this time) and I would like to thank SOAR for
hosting the selections and rounding up the workforce to put on a good show.
I know my club in So Cal wouldn't have the manpower to run such an event
If you like great competition and want to learn more about the finer points
of our hobby I highly recommend getting involved in the team selection
process, until we get more FAI type events in the USA it's the only game in
town. BTW. Aren't you all bored with the "regular" launch and land contests

Tom Copp
ph/fax 949-645 7032

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