I think it was James Deck who asked:

>      A young friend of mine, impressed by viewing some of my videos, has
>  decided to make a presentation on DS for extra credit in her high school
>  honors physics class.  I'm providing her with good footage from the videos
>  and she has gathered good background material for her talk.  She likes John
>  Roe's explanation (even the non-honors students can understand it) and is
>  almost ready but has one question that I couldn't answer.  She'd like to
>  tell her class the maximum velocity theoretically attainable by a sailplane
>  specifically designed for DS (she thinks the "tech-heads" would really like
>  that).  Can anyone give me some educated prognostications she can use?

I saved an earlier message on RCSE that may help answer her question.




>From: "Bill Swingle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [RCSE] Dynamic Soaring anthology
>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:07:33 -0800
>I've saved several of the RCSE posts from when Joe Wurts first started
>mentioning DS. I found it fun to watch the topic evolve over the course of the
>discussions. I've included some of the posts below. If possible, try to get
>your hands on one of the video's John Roe sold for the F3B fund raiser. The
>video explains it in seconds.
>Bill Swingle
>Pleasanton, CA
>From: Joe  Wurts
>Date: 28 May 96 02:35:19 EDT
>Subject: Dynamic Soaring
>For quite a long time I've heard about "dynamic soaring", but have almost
>never really used it in any operational sense while flying rc gliders.  In
>fact, I've kind of filed it under the Holy Grail category. Just one of those
>things that you read about.  But I've now had  a bit of practical experience
>with it.
>One of the slopes that I have been flying at has a very pronounced "razor
>back" to it (Parker Mountain near Acton CA).  What is really neat about it is
>that the air behind the hill is completely separated. That is, it can be
>blowing 25 mph on the face, and behind the hill, it is almost calm and
>sometimes even blowing softly in the opposite direction.  It turns out that
>this is an absolutely perfect set-up for dynamic soaring.  All you have to do
>is fly straight down-wind over the hill into the calm air and turn around.  If
>you want, when you  come back over the upwind face, turn around and repeat.
>With  each turn, you get an amazing boost in the energy of the glider. The
>first time I really played with this was with my Floyd, and on the second
>go-around I fluttered the wings.  The plane will take an extended vertical
>dive without any possibility of flutter, so I was able to get it to above the
>terminal velocity of the glider in horizontal flight!!!
>One thing that is especially wild is when the wind dies down a bit, and you
>can just stay up in the normal lift in minimum sink mode. Start doing the
>orbiting for the dynamic soaring and you can get up to about three times the
>speed that you can when you just fly in the normal slope lift.  Wild stuff.
>What really gets entertaining is when you make a mistake behind the hill.  The
>air is a bit  turbulent, and occasionally I miss the air (read: smite the
>earth). This is where a good foamie comes in handy.  I woulda never really
>investigated this phenomena without a crash-proof plane.
>If your slope has separated air behind the hill, and you do not mind
>occasionally crashing while you learn a new trick, give this a try. Caution,
>I'd recommend trying this maneuver out sometime when you have the hill to
>yourself.  It takes a little getting used to... And a hint, the lower you go
>on the downwind side, the better off you are (more delta-vee typically).
>Joe Wurts
>From: Joe  Wurts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 31 May 96 01:09:58 EDT
>Subject: RE: dynamic soaring
>>>  With each turn, you get an amazing boost in the energy of >the glider.
>>"Dynamic soaring"--- is this what seabirds do over ocean >chop/swell? Where
>>the extra energy coming from (are you sure there is any?!)? >Using gravity to
>>pick up more ground speed while in the dead zone with less >headwind=lower
>The energy increase in dynamic soaring is due to flying into a airmass that
>gives you a change in airspeed "free" of charge.  Lets go through an example
>here. Lets assume a 25 mph wind on a slope, with the backside completely calm
>(I've flown at slopes where the wind on the backside is blowing towards the
>top at 1/2-2/3 of windspeed, but we will use the worse case above).  I turn
>downwind with 25mph airspeed, and with the windspeed, I get a 50 mph
>groundspeed.  I then enter the calm air, and with the 50 mph gorundspeed, I
>now have a 50 mph airspeed as well.  I turn around, and fly into the active
>wind on top/in front of the hill with this 50 mph groundspeed and the 25 mph
>wind speed I now have 75 mph airspeed.  Without drag/turning losses, each turn
>adds 25 mph to the airspeed!  Who says there ain't no such thing as a free
>You can tell when flying in these dynamic turns that it is purely a relative
>wind change that gives you the energy boost.  If I make a mistake when I go
>behind the hill, or try and fly back there without crossing the airmass
>boundary, I quickly prepare for a long hike, as the model is not going to be
>anywhere nearby for long.  Also, you can really hear the airspeed do a quite
>sudden change when the model crosses the shear boundary between the airmasses,
>with an almost step function change in noise indicated airspeed.  Just see it
>in operation once, and you will become a believer that it is not rotor induced
>lift on the backside, but a delta velocity thing.
>Due to the practical limitations of the drag increasing with airspeed as well
>as the turn losses, it seems that the plane reaches an equilibrium after 3-5
>turns.  The foamies reach equilibrium in 2-3 turns due to a higher drag
>situation.  Still, I quickly get the foamies to a faster speed doing this than
>I ever get in front of the slope.  In fact, I've used it occasionally in
>combat for recovery.  I get hit, tumble for a while before a recovery, and now
>I have  the option of turning back into the wind with low speed and energy.
>Or, I can go downwind behind the hill, get a quick boost from a dynamic turn
>and reenter the combat zone with lotsa energy.  A cool manuever to add to your
>repertoire (sp?). 
>Joe Wurts
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Blaine + Deborah Beron-Rawdon)
>Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 07:14:07 -0700
>Subject: Dynamic Soaring - How It Works
>Brad Hawley recently asked for an explanation of dynamic soaring.  Here is my
>understanding of it.
>In Still Air:
>In still air, sailplanes glide at a given speed and sink rate, according to
>their glide polar.  For a short period of time this sink rate may be altered
>by exchanging speed and altitude.  Ignoring for the moment the underlying
>ongoing energy loss which is reflected by the sink rate, it can be shown that
>the sum of kinetic energy (from speed) and potential energy (altitude) must
>remain constant.  If you pull up you loose speed but gain altitude. 
>This can be expressed in the formula:
>                 mgh + 1/2mv^2 = c
>where m equals the model's mass in slugs (= pounds / 32.17), g is
>gravitational acceleration (32.17 ft/sec^2), h is altitude in feet, v is
>airspeed in feet/sec, and c is a constant which is a function of the starting
>position, or reference altitude.
>This equation can be messed around so that you can see the rate of change of
>altitude with a change in speed:
>                 dh/dv = -v/g
>Example:  If a plane going 64 ft/sec pulls up so that it looses 1 ft/sec
>speed, it will gain 2 feet.  Note that a plane going 16 ft/sec gains only 1/2
>ft for a 1 ft/sec loss of speed.  This is an issue with dynamic soaring. 
>This equation can be flipped:
>                 dv/dh = -g/v
>This shows that the loss of speed with height is less for faster planes. Let's
>call this value the model's "gradient".
>Dynamic Soaring:
>Dynamic soaring requires air that is moving in a particular way. Specifically,
>what you need is a steady, strong wind moving along a large, relatively open,
>smooth surface.  This results in a deep, relatively unmixed boundary layer in
>which the air near the surface is moving considerably slower than the air at
>higher heights.  The wind "gradient" is the rate of change of wind speed with
>altitude.  The gradient is strongest near the surface and diminishes gradually
>with altitude. 
>If the wind gradient is greater than the model's gradient an interesting
>phenomenon can occur.  While flying directly into the wind, the model can be
>pulled up.  As it gains altitude it looses speed, but this is compensated by
>the increased wind speed at the higher altitude, so the model continues to
>climb until the wind gradient is less than the model's gradient (minus a
>factor which is dependent on the model's sink rate).
>At this point, you can turn 180 degrees to straight down wind.  Now the
>airplane sinks due to its basic sink rate, but as it looses altitude the wind
>gradient causes it to increase airspeed!  This is neat!  This is an increase
>in energy which can be traded for a little altitude which in effect diminishes
>the sink rate of the plane.  When the plane gets close to the ground, you can
>turn around again and climb back up, and repeat the cycle.
>If you have a very strong gradient, or a very clean, fast plane you don't have
>to go directly up and down wind to get this to work.  You can climb and
>descend at an angle to wind so that you can move across the wind as well as
>down wind. 
>I have seen gulls do this sawtooth cross wind pattern over the ocean on a
>strong day, as well as over large fields in England on a very strong day.
>No flapping, just a big zig-zag across the wind.  Minimum altitudes were
>something like five feet.  Max height was something like fifty feet, but my
>memory is not well calibrated here. 
>Note that this effect works best for low sink rate, very fast airplanes.
>Perhaps this explains some of the differences between sea birds and land
>thermal soarers.  Sea birds tend to have high wing loadings and aspect ratios.
>  Hawks and eagles tend to have much lower aspect ratios and lighter wing
>loadings in order to work thermal lift which favors low speeds and sinkrates.
>It is somewhat difficult to exploit this phenomenon with an R/C sailplane
>since winds which generate sufficient gradients are likely to be considered
>too strong to fly in.  Also, it may be difficult to dynamic soar from a fixed
>We do see some gradient effects with our models.  For instance, when landing
>in strong wind (heading upwind) a much greater sinkrate near the ground can be
>noticed.  Also, when landing downwind in even a medium breeze, the plane seems
>to come down much more slowly - this is a gradient effect.
>That's all for now.
>Blaine Beron-Rawdon
>Envision Design
>Rancho Palos Verdes, California
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