> I see some pilots hold the Tx head-level, real close, to make precise
stick movements. 

Hey now,
        That's more to shield my eyes from the sun, the smitter works well
to shade my eyes and let me see both the stick movement and the plane.

 Most everyone else can hold it chest level. 

I generaly hold it at navel level, that's most comfortable with the neck
strap I use.

 I just use
my thumb, but it seems to me that it's
> hard to make the right X-Y movements..I feel my thumb can't feel the X
or Y movements, especially doing a combined diagonal movement (X &
Y).  I've been reading some flying
> instructions, & some people take the stick between 2 fingers.

When I'm just scooting around having fun I fly with my thumb on the stick,
It works fine for most sport flying, but If I'm going to land or do
something precise I use my thumb and finger and pinch the stick, I feel
that I get better control this way. Every ones differant but this is what
I do...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Erica Frank & Rob Carter II
"Roast dragon, fried dragon, dragon steak, dragon cassarole, baked 
dragon-in-onions, dragon omelette, dragon stew, dragon-on-a-stick--
next time I kill a rabbit, period."             --St. George

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