Come join us for the last SC2 event for 2001, where we will crown our SC2
HLG king!

Will Bill Watson nose for thermals be able to hold off John Erickson's
monster launch to become the 2001 HLG Champ?  Will some unknown jump in to
spoil it?
Should be exciting!

I'm trying out some new tasks too, in an effort to evolve our tasks to match
the realities of DLG lanches.  Take a peek & come out to play!

Thousand Oaks Soaring Society
SC2 Hand Launch Glider Contest

        Saturday, November 10, 2001
        Pilot's meeting @ 8:45
        First round to start at 9:00
        TOSS field at Redwood Intermediate School in Thousand Oaks
        See map at or call/e-mail CD.
        CD - Lex Mierop (805)499-2256 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Entry Fee:
        All SC2 HLG Rules apply
        1st through 3rd in Open and Sportsman
        Minimum of 4 rounds; 5 rounds if time permits
        Tasks described below will be flown in random order

The Standard- Maximum flight time from 5 flights; 2 minute max per flight;
10 minute window

Make your own target- Unlimited throws; 9 minute window; Duration of first
flight greater than 15 seconds becomes target time for round.  Each flight
that meets or exceeds the target time receives points equal to the target

Reverse Ladder- Unlimited throws; 8 minute window; Total time from flights
made in sequence starting at 1:30 and decreasing by 10 seconds per flight.

Reverse Scramble- Unlimited throws; 8 minute window; Total number of boxes
checked; Must meet or exceed box time to check off box; Box matrix is (2x 15
sec; 2x 30 sec; 3x 45 sec; 2x 1:00; 1x 2:00)

Increasing Flights- Unlimited throws; 8 minute window; Flight time from 3 or
more increasing flights
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