I need help clarifying the 3-F, RES, Nostalgia classes & bent wing. It looks
simple enough but there are MANY variables on the local interpretation of
these classes.

A few of the larger contests fly RES or 3-F (3 function). What they usually
mean is rudder, elevator & spoiler. 3-F should be interpreted as any 3
control i.e. ailerons, elevator, flaps but most clubs are looking for bent
wing ships or RES (I think).

Nostalgia and RES are different because Nostalgia planes are models kitted
or published plans before 01/01/1980 (?) with a few mods. Can I fly a
Dodgson Todi in Nostalgia?

Can the clubs involved decide on better definitions for these following
classes?  I propose the following to get the discussion going:

Lets define 3-F class as any 3 functions like REF (rudder, elevator, flaps)
or AEF (aileron, elevator, flaps) or XXX. This could be a creative class.

Nostalgia.  Kits or plans built models before 01/01/1980. I understand the
want for stronger spars for models designed before winches but why add
spoilers if the kit never had them? No skegs either. By definition you have
to allow early aileron designed (pre 1980) models in the class.

RES. Rudder, elevator & spoiler. That's it.

Bent wing. My NYX has a bent wing. Does it qualify?  Drop the definition.

Notice I didn't cover materials yet. Here it goes.

There is strong support to turn back the clocks to a simpler time and get to
balsa, open structure, RES models.  If that is your goal then lets have a
class that is called RES Balsa or ???.

Of course I have a motive here. I sell models and am working with builders
on a new toy and I want to know what class is most popular and most
supported to design the new model around. I am sure other builders are
interested as well and will be looking for this information. Here is a good
chance to develop a class that will be supported by manufactures if the
rules are understood.

Open for discussion.

Tom Copp
ph/fax 949-645 7032

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