As always, Chuck knows what he's talking about (see below)! If you had
the old spot landing task, RES ships would be fully competitive in
Unlimited, at least in the hands of a good flyer. This would open up a
lot of interesting possibilities for design improvements, potentially
bring in some new blood, lower the average cost of planes, and possibly
have other benefits as well. As I've said on here before, I dream of
the day when an RES ship wins unlimited in a big contest. However, if
the contest is decided by landing points on a runway or shuffleboard
landing task, that ain't gonna happen.

> There is no practical difference in the thermaling performance
> between the
> full house model and RES.  The only real difference is in the ability
> to
> float down the landing string at very low speed and spike the spot
> when
> the time runs out.  Flaps will always have a landing advantage but
> the
> advantage can be minimized by getting rid of landing on a string as
> done at
> the nats.  Since RES models do not have the precise lateral control
> near
> touchdown, landing exactly on the string is much more difficult. 
> Going
> back to the L4 landing option would reduce the penalty for slight
> lateral
> deviations and eliminate the ability to slowly float down the string
> waiting for the countdown to reach zero.  
> Chuck Anderson

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