Seems interesting the comments recieved.  Someone, right or wrong, is trying
to come up with a way to keep the NATS viable, create a better international
presence from the USA, and increase interest in events that are the backbone
of all the events out there.  Not just soaring.  Just looking, not actually

Anyway...I find it interesting how quick people point out that Visalia is
bigger than the NATS TD.  They also want that event (or any other) to be the
"NATS" and point out how pointless the NATS reall are.  Yet I only saw a
handfull of people from far away places like California, Florida, etc...
Some yes, but not many.  It seems like lots of people are 100% in support of
the NATS coming to them, but use any argument to support their reluctance to
not go to the NATS when it is not close.  Hmmm...

Plus this "anti FAI" sentiment.  Look at all the basic tasks in RC, CL, and
FF.  Not just soaring.  Almost every one is based in part or whole around
the FAI tasks.  In most cases the FAI tasks are the "top end" of the
spectrum.  Take pylon.  When starting out you normally move from Q-500, to
Q-40, to FAI.  No one starts at FAI right is too fast and too
specific.  They build their skills in less demanding areas and many move up
to FAI once they have achieved some success.  Many other events have the
same, pattern, FF, CL, etc..  Even soaring.

I can't say I am in favor of dumping the "regular" events in favor of an all
FAI session.  The financial reasons behind that are all too clear.  But I am
in favor of moving the emphasis of the NATS on a rotating basis.  Perhaps
they should thing about restructuring on a rotating basis to help grow the
FAI events.  It is known that there are not many FAI events run, yet many
many "regular" events run very successfully.  The NATS should be a showcase
of the top talent, but that is another discussion for a later time.

For example, take soaring.  There are 2 main FAI events (F3b, F3j), with 2
other events that have either site specific needs (F3f) or not a huge
worldwide following (F3k).  If we use the current schedule as the "regular"
schedule we get the following:

F3b - scale - cross country - day 1
F3j - day 2
HL - day 3
2 days of 2M
2 days of Unlimited
Nostaliga - RES - last day.

8 days

That is our current schedule, and it works well for the regular events.  But
it does not promote the FAI events as it is difficult to run any FAI events
on single days.  A revamped schedule for every other year could be:

F3b (scale day 1, cross country day 2)- 2 days
F3j - 2 days
HL - think about F3k rules? - 1 day
2 days of unlimited
2 M - Nostaliga - RES last day

Lots of other situations could be played out.  F3j could be a 1-1/2 day
event (i.e. run the finals during a break in the action of say HL?  3-15
minute rounds only take 1 hour, and could easially be run during a break in
the action of HL (and that break would be nice!).  Etc...  Lots options to
discuss, lots to think about.  But a schedule "emphasis" like this would
keep the events that are popular, yet allow some development of the FAI

BTW - I would love to see/hear comments....just keep them civil

Jason Werner

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