"David J. Schat" wrote:
> Ah! So there are twelve winches not launching models while the carts bring
> the lines back..... how many launches could be done in that time? My guess
> is that if your doing 8 launches in 90 seconds you could probably launch at
> least another 8 people or more in the time it takes to drive the lines back
> and hook everyone up.

You miss the point  They are flying man on man.  Retrievers spend a lot
of time in the air and it would slow down the speed that you put the
group in the air.  The closer together the launch, the closer you get to
man on man.  Plus if you have a cross wind because the wind changed
directions, you might be even slower with retrievers.

Anyway, lots of rounds at the Nats are things like 10 minutes.  If you
have one group getting close to landing, another just launched, and a
third getting ready, you start to run into problems with frequency
control and mixing up the matrix.

The idea of having lots of winches is to get everyone in the group in
the air at the same time.  It's not to see how fast you can launch
people.   Plus finding 6 kids who want to drive golf carts is easier
than finding 12 experienced retriever operators.

The best part is you get to watch folks blow up models when they don't
have the drag of the retreiver and have all that power to put into the
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