    You (ok we) are fightning a losing battle.  Everyone has every number
that supports their position.  The simple thing is that the LSF is going to
support the masses, not the competitive and international arena.  While all
other RC competitions view the FAI tasks as the pinnacle of their
competition, soaring views it as a fringe activity.  To most soaring
participants, F3b or F3j are "stupid" events that have no basis or impact on
their soaring persuits.  Of course that rules out molded planes, airfoil
design, Joe and Darryl, launching increases, etc...  But to them they simply
don't care.
    Jack is right, 2M is more popular than F3b.  More people showed up, so
that must mean it is more popular.  And BTW, you can write me down as one
less 2M participant for next year.  Hated it, 2M sucks.  I flew 100% because
I was stuck in Muncie for 2 days waiting for Unlimited.  If I could have
gone home and come back I would have, but instead I borrowed a plane to fly.
I know of at least 10 other people who did the same...I wonder how many
people would go to 2M if it was after Unlimited instead of before.
    I think what Jack and the LSF do every year is great...don't get me
wrong.  They do a great job, but that does not mean it is perfect.

    The sad thing is that several options were presented to try to increase
FAI participation WITHOUT impacting on the "masses".  Darryl came up with a
good option.  The AMA has already indicated that FAI events needed to be
"highlighted" more for international reasons.   But none of these options
were discussed, they were just shot down.

So lets just sit back and watch it unfold.  Because USA soaring is really
going to go to pot when Darryl finally decides that winning World F3b
championships takes too much time and effort, and Joe decides that sloping
is all he wants to do.  Since of course no one will be there to step up and
take their spot since of course....F3b and F3j are "fringe" parts of

Jason Werner

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Nats..reply..Numbers

> Jack Strother wrote:
> >
> > Mike,
> > You Know,
> > I don't know why I even try....
> > Here is the skinny that YOU already Know..you were there..
> > 10 count them 10 entries for F3B...last year
> > 77 entries for 2-M last Year
> > If you were an honest manager, which customer would you service?
> > If you had a choice of which one to ditch, which one would it be?
> Well let's see.  77 2M's average life about 5 years. (Before my Organic
> which is now at least 3 years old, my last 2M was from 1983)  Average
> cost with servos around $600. For the F3b, you get 10 who buy a $1200
> model with $300 of servos, probably one a year, some buy more.  Plus
> another $300 in line every year and chutes.
> You can choose whatever numbers you like.
> I have to admit flying F3b is alot more fun than 2M.
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