Dear Sam Ward:

I am sorry that you were offended by a simple advertisement that had an honest subject line for a product.

I guess that you are new to this exchange so  I'll clue you in.  This is a forum for and by sailplane model enthusiasts who are interested in learning all about the latest and greatest airplanes, flying sites, contests, and equipment to help us enjoy our sport to the fullest.  I have asked technical questions and received answers from as far away as Australia.  

This is a unique forum that I have enjoyed thoroughly for over 3 years.  I would guess that new product announcements account for about 2% of the total traffic.  A typical ad in a magazine has to be sent in months before it will be inserted, printed, and mailed out.  This forum allows us to read about new products, new production runs of outstanding products like "Real Balls" and  others.  This sport has a tiny group of manufacturers who provide a superb service to the soaring community.  Think of the days before the Web.... the products were few, sold by the larger modelling companies, and the evolution in soaring products was dinosaur-like slow.

If you do not care to read an occasional advertisement for a product that could revolutionize the soaring community, then kindly unsubscribe.

Respectfully yours,

Bruce Alber, PASS

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