Dave Goebel recently sent me the following note. (I hope you don't mind me
quoting you Dave, but this was YOUR idea.)  :)
I think all of us need another dose of Hawaii sloping
photos to end the RCSE Advertising threads, any of you or
your flying buddies got some amazingly awesome photos that
would generate a question or technical thread of some sort?
Fair Winds,
David Goebel
Sufferer of recurrent nightmares of NEVER flying in Hawaii..<g>
(If I ever do come out there, I'll bring everything from a
Red Herring to a DAM T-33!

Well, after I finished laughing at the idea of Dave having nightmares about
not making it to Hawaii, I got to thinking. I started going through my
pictures looking for something interesting to post, and came across a few of
my friends Dino and Duane working on their planes in my shop. At first I
thought, well there is no way I can post those, my shop was way too messy.
(As it always is.) Then I started to think, hmmm, I wonder if there is
anyone else out there who is a bigger slob than I am???

So, I went ahead and posted the pictures. If anyone else out there really
has a messier shop than I do, let's see some photographic proof!!! I will
save any replies I get that are not posted on the web elsewhere and post
them myself later, after I have a few collected to show everybody. This
could be kinda fun, and at least we might get a fresh new thread going
around here!!!

You can see my shop pictures and a few pictures of the maiden flight of
Dino's new foamie by clicking here:


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