A common mistake in DLG launching. Twist in the wrist on a Poly plane will do this. The New Logic DLG is a completely different Bird with ailerons.

Randy Bullard wrote:
We heard that you could, so we tried it with my aging Logic. One of my friends who has very good DLG experience would toss it and I would fly it. I wish a video camera had been running because I would like to know what really happened. About .02 seconds after release the plane snapped inverted at about three feet off the ground. Before I could decide what control input to give it, the Logic met the ground. Total flight time was probably a second or two.
The fuselage was broken, but nothing that hasn't happened before. It is back flying again, but not as a DLG.
Randy Bullard

I was wondering if the Logic could be made a DLG or what would be a
fair price to sell a like new Logic?

Sal DeFrancesco
Northeast Sailplane Products
948 Hercules Dr. Suite 12
Colchester, Vt. 05446

Website: http://www.nesail.com

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