
This thread has gone down hill quick.  If you like them, then fly them and
have fun.  I am not a fan of 2M but that does not mean someone else can't
be.  What I am not going to buy though is those of you who are trying to say
they will perform with an UNL plane.  Fact is, it is not going to happen.  I
have heard all the stories about this guy and that guy beating the field of
UNL planes with a 2M and then everybody thinks that 2M is better or just as
good.  It boils down to the pilot flying the plane and the given conditions
for that day.  Hell Joe Wurts won one the major west coast contests a few
years back flying a borrowed 2M foamie.  You do not see him flying 2M in
very many contests.  Gee, I wonder why.  Look at one of his latest designs
the Icon.  It is big, beautiful and very high performance.  Show me a 2M
that will perform even close to that plane and I will buy one today. So go
fly your 2M's and have fun.  I for one will stick to my big birds.

See Ya,

Pat McCleave
Wichita, KS

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