Bill Johns wrote:
> Idle curiosity:
> Has anyone been mounting a video cassette recorder in a sailplane and
> taking movies from a sailplane. I have Paul Naton's Endless Lift II with
> those marvelous shots along California cliffs.
> What type of planes are you using. What type of camera? Problems? Great
> successes? Horror stories? Things to consider?

Somewhere there is a movie taken with a Sanyo digital camera
in movie mode.  It was strapped to the top of one wing of an
electric Stork, and a bunch of Lithium batteries were taped
to the other wing for power and balance.

The video is breathtaking ... right up to the crash.  The
camera and batteries obviously caused a weight, drag, and
balance problem.  It was obvious that it was hard to recover
from a nose down attitude, and the video ends with failure
to do so ... probably the motor cells didn't have enough
power at this point like they did earlier in the flight.

Oh, there was also a downlink allowing the pilot to see
via a head mounted screen.  He could trigger the camera
to take a still shot whenever he wanted.

I'll try to see if the video is still around the net.

Andrew E. Mileski
Ottawa, Canada
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