In a message dated 1/3/02 10:05:41 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I once sent an e-mail asking
if there were any upgrades on building his Kestrel 100, and it took him more
than 24 hours to respond...

he said just build according to the instructions(included)....

I thought, well I've been through three divorce lawyers...

So I called and was greeted by Carolyn who said they would get it out the next day.  The package took 3 days to get
here (I could have drove across 4 states sooner).  So I opened the package and guess what -- no tips as in wing tips.  Called Sal himself, 'what no tips, should have been in the box, I'll get them to you'.  It took another 2 days to get the tips

As a business owner knowledgeable of the many extra hours it takes to succeed in business, I nearly choked with laughter when I read this first line. Do you really think that Sal sits at his P.C. and waits for your e-mails so that he can respond quickly enough for you?  24 hours is a pretty quick response time via e-mail! I doubt you've ever worked for yourself. If you have, no doubt you lost it in one of your 3 divorces. hmmm...this says something...

As for building according to the instructions...Gee, aren't some models actually supposed to be built to the plans?

3 days for the package to get to you? 3 whole days? My God, how did you stand the wait?  Ok, so someone forgot to include the tips and another precious 48 hours of  Jack's life wasted while waiting for someone to beam them to him (obviously the quickest delivery method in your galaxy)...  Get real dude. Try some realistic expectations. Sounds like you're complaining about GOOD service to me.

Kevin (never thought I'd be defending Sal) Andersen  ;)

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