Hey Martin,

Most guys in SoCal migrate to Lake Hills for Santa Ana's.  It's a VERY rocky
hill, so solidly built PSS and foamies are the norm here.  It's not unusual
for the hill to generate 80 mph vertical lift bands.  Two years ago, Carl
Maas and Brian Laird were getting 10 second vertical hammerheads.  10
seconds.  Think about that.  Dive low, pull, count...................wow.

Directions on the ISR site:  http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ISR/

Little Mountain is another good SA hill, it has lot's of grass and nice
rounded hill for landing, under the power lines.  Last year, local's piled
dirt onto the access road, not sure what the status of that slope is now.
It's not used for anything other than radio towers at the moment.


Nathan Woods

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