I must say that after the SWC I am rather proud to call Colorado my home,

and to be President of the Rocky Mountain Soaring Association and a
member of Pikes Peak Soaring Society. 
 (ok ok and a member of SWSA, they would do baaaddd things to me if I did
not say that ;^) 


I would just like to say,  Thank you to the SWC group for putting a great

A big Congratulations should go out to all of the Colorado flyers for
doing a great job not only flying but also helping other's at the event. 

There were 22 in all from Colorado, and here how half of them finished...

RMSA               1st

Skip Miller          1st
Charlie Miller      3rd
Dr. Dan              12th
Lenny Keer        19th
Jim Monaco        22nd
Don Ingram        44th
Philip Jones       46th
Tom Gressman 53rd

Mark Howard        1st 
Chris Keller          4th

Joseph Newcomb 3rd

Dr. Dan Williams DC
Broomfield, Co
 PPSS/SWSA/ President of RMSA.

Bad roads bring good people and good roads bring bad people.

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