
The long term trend towards landing being more important than flying is
inevitable, unfortunately.

The cause is the incredible progress that has been made, especially the last
6-7 years in plane technology. Today's best planes, in the hands of a
reasonably experienced pilot, can easily max the 5-10 minute tasks that are
typical. 5 minutes has become a joke, just the launch and a carefully
managed hanging around in zero lift will give a 5 minute flight.

Making the tasks longer than dead air hang time improved emphasis on pilot
skills, but it needs to be much longer, and we are almost at the point where
the planes are so good that the top 10% pilots can stay up as long as they
want in good to fair conditions.

So to spread out the field we have two choices:

A) Make the task durations ridiculously long and have very few rounds.

B) Use landings to spread out the top of the field.

The problem with A is that pilots who aren't able to keep their planes in
the air will have very little flying time, so we are left with B.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Perry Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:56 AM
Subject: [RCSE] No one makes their target time.

> I've been going to contests for awhile now and have noticed that the
> of them are landing contests.
> Oh, I been to some where the longest skid mark in the snow wins, the most
> win, the most rolls win, the fastest plane wins, but I have yet to go to a
> contest where no one gets their target times.
> I would like to see the emphasis really put on flying as opposed to
>  Anyone can do three minutes in the cool morning air with just a little
> Imagine if the first round of the morning was 8 minutes, round two was 7
> round three was 6 min. and round four was 5 min. With a maximum of five
> for all landings.
> I damn well think that the focus would be on flying and landing would take
> back seat.
> I think it's time to get back to the flying and let the lawn dart people
> at it.
> Just my thoughts.
> Comments anyone??
> Regards,Perry
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