I agree.  If you want parity we need more people who fly more 
often.  Clinics and  classes are great.

I learn a lot by going to contests weather club or national and watch how 
the winners do it.

The majority of soaring contests do work the way they are suppose to.  The 
best pilots wins.

We're beating a dead horse trying to reinvent contests.  We need to look at 
methods of encouraging RC soaring in general.


At 11:27 AM 2/10/2002 -0600, Pat McCleave wrote:
>We keep talking about reducing launch, devaluing landings and such but none
>of these things are going to level the playing field.  What will level the
>playing the field is things like has been going on out on the west coast
>with the DLG Clinics and more recently DP's offer to help pilots with plane
>set-ups and flying techniques for F3B.  Face it no matter what you do from
>landings, to launch limits, to one design contests, the guys that practice,
>practice, practice are still going to win.  Just my two cents worth.
>See Ya,
>Pat McCleave
>Wichita, KS

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