>I'm flying a 2 channel poly and when I'm thermalling
>it does not want to hold it's bank angle.  I end up
>feeding constant rudder input

This is the nature of most polyhedral models. If you
want to reduce or eliminate this, make the vertical
stabilizer a bit larger (or reduce the overall dihedral
of the main wing). You can just tape some cardboard
onto the vertical stabilizer to experiment to try
out the effect.

Most 2 channel polyheral models are designed to have
a lot of built-in stability along all 3 axis, roll
pitch and yaw.

Within reason, most polyhedrals can be turned just
using rudder, without using elevator, relying on
pitch stability to stabilize the turn. How much
rudder input is required to maintain a turn depends
on the models setup.

Pitch stability is the result of having center of
gravity in front of the center of lift (ignoring
the lift/sink component from tail), and having some
down force at the tail to compensate. If the nose
drops, model picks up speed, increasing down force
on the tail, rasing the nose and slowing the model
down (and vice versa). Elevator can be trimmed to
cause a model to glide at a specific speed.

Roll and yaw stability in a polyhedral compete
with each other. If a model drops a wing, it
goes into a slip. Because of the dihedral, the
cross wind component across the main wing flows
under the lower wing and over the upper wing,
creating a roll correction torque to level the
wings. At the same time, that same cross wind
component pushes against the fuselage and tail,
creating a yaw correction torque, causing the
model to yaw into the direction of the slipping
flight path (which is slightly downwards), this
is termed weathervane effect.

You can decrease roll stability by increasing
yaw stability, which can be done by increasing
the size of the vertical stabilizer. Try securely
taping or othersize attaching some balsa to the
vertical stabilzer or the rudder to increase it's
size, and add a bit of nose weight to compensate
for the weight at the tail.

This works because the model will respond to
a slip with corrective yaw before there's enough
time for roll correction to level out the wings.
The result is intially a downward spiral, but pitch
stability will stop the descent and the final result
will be a nearly coordinated turn.

You could also decrease roll stability by reducing
the overall dihedral, but this takes more work than
making vertical stabilizer bigger.

I have one polyhedral model that is almost neutral in
roll stability because of the size of the vertical
stabilizer (and possibly because of some double
centering of the rudder).

Note, if the vertical stabilizer were too small, then
a model constantly overcorrects, resulting in a 
cycling rolling/yawing motion, termed dutch roll.

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