Agreed on likening it to McDonalds or NES...but we're not really comparing
apples with apples are we? email address is "soaringjunkie@..." - I'm
_not conducting business under this name_, merly taking part in a pastime
that I enjoy greatly - I just happen to like the idea of my email address
reflecting this interest.

My suggestion to Edgar is that if he believes that he owns the exclusive
right to use "The Soaring Junkie" on the net then he should quickly register
the domain name "" like any serious business venture
would and have this mail hosted...he can then be

As to being rude posting your note including the reply to the
who's rules?  Oh, hang on..._your_ rules that also say I can't use an email
address that I've been using for 3-1/2 years!  Hmmm...a flick through "my
rules" state that if the thread started in this forum then any/all parts of
it belong in this forum.

Anyway, I grow tired of this nonsense...if this is the attitude around here
I'd rather spend my time elsewhere...enjoying the hobbie, discussing the
hobbie and above all - having fun!

Thermals to sensible among us and cartwheel landings to the rest!

Colin Williams
_A_ Soaringjunkie.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Diss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Soaringjunkie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not the real "Soaring

> If your name was McDonalds, and you tried to open a burger joint using
your name, you'd feel the wrath of a hundred lawyers.  Likewise, if you
lived in the Northeast and wanted to sell sailplanes, you would not be
entitled to call yourself Northeast Sailplanes.
> This is not an issue of first come, first served.  You didn't establish a
brand, and Edgar did.  To be fair about this, you should subscribe to this
list using a different account that doesn't impinge upon Edgars brand and
> Also, it is very rude to post to the group when replying to a private
> -Ben
> Soaringjunkie wrote:
> >
> > Hmmm...perhaps he should have made this more clear.  What got my heckles
> > was his the "beware of someone using [EMAIL PROTECTED]" comment
> > that is why I bit...I did however try and take the humorous approach.
> >
> > The key thing I think is that there is no ownership entitlement to email
> > handles - its first in first served.  Lets just pretend for a moment
that my
> > name is "Joe Wurts" - not an impossibility by any means - now because
> > just happens to be a rather famous Joe Wurts involved in Soaring (and
> > perhaps even on this list?), would that give me any less right to use an
> > email address like [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
> >
> > So what I'm trying to say is I have no intention of stopping using this
> > email address - I've had this for 3-1/2 years and see no reason to
> > inconvenience my friends and family with an un-neccessary change -
> > it describes me quite aptly - I am indeed "a soaringjunkie" but admit
that I
> > am not "The Soaring Junkie".
> >
> > Actually I very rarely post on this list and you can all be assured that
> > mean no mis-representation should I do so in future - as always I will
> > off all my posts as I will now...
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Colin Williams
> > R/C Soaring Links @
> >
> > > This is all fine and well, except that Edgar runs a business and uses
> > Soaring Junkie" to identify his business.  This is his brand.  No wonder
> > he's a little bothered by your choice of e-mail handles.
> > >
> > > -Ben
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